Suite 106
Colchester, Vermont


Merin Maggi of Maggi Stables

Merin Maggi

Merin Maggi of Maggi Stables

HorseWorks Insurance Specialists

How did you first get involved with horses?
My grandparents had a cabin in the mountains for family vacations. There is a historic town nearby called, Columbia, set in the gold rush era of the 1850’s. Part of the fun is taking a “trail” ride around the town. After a few visits I was hooked and fell in love with a big quarter horse named skippy. The tour guide mentioned he was for sale, and the next weekend my mom borrowed a horse trailer and we owned a horse!

When did you decide you wanted to become a professional?
When I was a teenager I was a bit of a control freak when it came to my horses. So I would spend my days at the barn, but I swore I would not make training horses my career. I wanted to go to school to be a psychologist, but somewhere along the way I couldn’t stay away from the barn long enough to pursue anything else!

Tell us about your business?
I have a Morgan show barn in Gilroy, CA. We compete from California to Oklahoma showing our Morgan’s in multiple divisions. Our specialty is Saddleseat, driving and hunt seat. We recently added a few saddlebreds to the show string and that has been a lot of fun.

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What do you try to press upon clients when it comes to riding and training?
I want my clients to enjoy their horses and the experience, but I really want to see dedication to improving. Nothing makes me happier than seeing a rider/driver apply all the techniques we have worked on at home, in the show ring!

What do you love most about your job?
The horses and the people! There is nothing better than a quiet day at the barn, the sun shining, and working horses outside! Some of my happiest memories are Saturday’s at the barn with clients though. We really are a family and have a great time! I think that applies to the show world too, we are an industry that takes care of each other and genuinely like spending time together. I don’t think you get that at an office job!

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What is your greatest accomplishment in the show ring?
Normally I would say winning a world title but I’m discovering that i am so proud when a rider reaches their goals.
We work so hard every day to improve as a team, and seeing that come together thrills me.

What's your favorite horse show?
That a tough question! I love them all, and have special memories at each place. I basically grew up at these fairgrounds. I mark time by horse shows, “this person was married right before this show”, “we went on vacation right after this show” I live for them!
But if I had to choose one, it would be the Silicon Valley horse show. It is so innovative and refreshing that the organizers want to give back to the exhibitors and trainers. Plus the parties are second to none!

What is the best piece of advice you could give an aspiring professional?
Don’t get frustrated! Patience is key in this industry and every time you feel like you have worked hard, there is someone else working harder!
Plus, don’t be afraid to ask for help. It’s amazing how willing everyone is to share their knowledge.

What do you like most about HorseWorks?
Brendan! He is the most responsive and attentive insurance agent I have ever met. Even when we buy a horse and it’s midnight on the east coast, he will answer the phone and get it done!

Who are your biggest supporters and why?
My family! It’s true that it takes a village. My boyfriend has a full time job supporting my business. I can’t even count the ways he helps. My parents and grandparents have supported me in this adventure from day one, financially, physically and mentally! I’m a lucky girl.

What does a typical "day off" look like for you?
Well I’m starting my day off by answering these questions! I take thursdays off to work on the office part of the business. And I take sundays off to have some kind of a normal life and spend time with family. I live 45 mins from the barn, so I don’t see the horses on my day off, but I basically spend the entire day talking about them or thinking about them!

How do you define success?
Being surrounded by people you love and enjoying what you do every day!

Who do you look up to the most?

Anyone that has dedicated their life to training horses, while maintaining a happy work/life balance.
That’s the ultimate goal, and I look up to everyone that has made that their reality.

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