Suite 106
Colchester, Vermont


Ruth Hogan-Poulsen of Poulsen Dressage, LLC

Ruth Hogan-Poulsen

Ruth Hogan-Poulsen of Poulsen Dressage, LLC

HorseWorks Insurance Specialists

Tell us about your business.

Poulsen Dressage LLC is a family of passionate dressage students. I coach riders from all levels in dressage, as well as a few Grand Prix Jumper riders (dressage training between the fences of course)! I also am the creator of Freestyles from A to C that teaches people how to ride to music and create freestyles and music for those who wish to compete.  I am also an author and have just currently launched the 2021 Dressage Riders Journal, and the 2021 Jumper Riders Journal. 

How did you get into horses?

I had my first pony ride when I was 5 years old.  It was all over then! I proved to my parents at the age of 6 that I could take care of a pony myself (mostly) over the winter and was allowed my own pony when I turned 8 years old. 

What was the turning point, where you knew Dressage was for you and you made the decision to pursue it professionally? 

1989. When I was a working student in PA. I had been doing a bit of all disciplines, (eventing, jumpers and dressage) before I chose a working student job with a dressage professional. I never went back, although I do use my jumping experience when I am coaching my event and jumper riders on their dressage.  

Who was your most influential mentor and how did they shape the way you train?

Jane Savoie  Jane is a technician. I rode by feel. Jane helped me break things down into manageable pieces, and that also helped me become a good teacher.  

What's your favorite movement to teach a horse? Why?

Flying Changes! I had a young horse that was super smart about them and he gave me such a good solid feel for how easy they should be. Since then, they have been my favorite!  

What's your favorite memory as a professional?

Watching my students go into the FEI ring on horses that we have trained together. Mostly them riding and me coaching and training.  

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What accomplishment are you most proud of?

In terms of competition, probably winning at Devon in the 90's. Recently, It’s having returned to the Grand Prix ring myself on a horse that had nervous issues in the ring with past riders. Building Trust!  

I'm most proud however of my program and the Farms; East Hill Farm in Plainfield, VT and Bespoke Farm in Loxahatchee, FL. I have clients who have been with me for over 25 years. Longevity, trust, honesty and hard work.

We know you're no stranger to helping riders across different disciplines. Is it exciting to collaborate with other riders, and see them apply Dressage to their own discipline? How can Dressage help?

I teach a number of Event riders, helping them with the dressage aspect of their ride, but I also coach two Grand Prix Jumper riders. I was given the task to help make the horses more balanced, rideable, supple and straight, so that they could navigate the courses with less effort, and make better time for jump offs by turning better and being more efficient. One of my riders had qualified two horses for Tokyo this Summer before COVID.  Mission accomplished. While he has been competing this Summer down South, I continue our lessons via Zoom every Sunday.  

What's your favorite horse show? Why?

Green Mountain Horse Association. Most beautiful venue and such a great place of education for horsemanship!  

This industry can be extremely demanding. How do you balance all the irons you have in the fire?

Great staff, husband Bo Poulsen, and mom, Jeannette Hogan.

On a day off, where would we find you? What's your favorite (non-horsey) way to unwind? 

Kayak and Fishing with Bo.

How has HorseWorks Insurance played a part in your business?

Peace of mind, simple forms, all on line and I love my agent!  

What advice do you have for anyone aspiring to be a professional in this industry? 

Be Honest, Follow the Rules, Work Hard and find your niche!  Keep accurate records!